gjeklrhty.;uky;t/ukl6unjmy MEGZ: November 2006

Thursday, November 09, 2006

With the GOOD, Comes the BAD

An example of modern-day communication technology that has a good side, and also a bad side is computers. Computers are a very large part of many peoples lives these days. Most human beings use computers almost every single day of there lives. Computers are able to help people, in all different ages, with there daily uses. For example, students are able to use computers for a number of reasons, they can type out their homework instead of writing it out. They can also watch tv and movies, talk online with there family and friends, play different kinds of games, and just browse on the internet. Those are some of the many things that not only students use the computers for. Many other people, like adults, younger children, and elderly people, may also use the computer for some of those reasons. The list of things to do on computers may go on and on.
Even with all the great things that people may use computers for, there is also the negative side to think about. First of all, computers usually make people lose there sense of social communication. When using computers, there is instant messaging and emailing, but people get so used to that, that they barely actually go out and communicate with the real people. Computers have so many different kinds of features that you can just spend your whole day, starring at the monitor screen. If people use computers too much, that can actually harm there bodies. For example, some may get carpal tunnel syndrome for using the keyboard or the mousse for a very long period of time, some may even ruin there eye sights for starring at the monitor screen, for a long period of time. Also some people may feel really down and depressed if they are always just using their computers, and not going out at all. It is because people need to get out of there houses or buildings sometimes to just get some fresh air, instead of always breathing in the same air. That is very unhealthy for people.
Almost everything has a good and a bad side to it. Nothing is only just bad, and nothing is only just good. With the good, comes the bad.